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welcome to york rite sovereign college of north america

The York Rite Sovereign College of North America exists primarily to be of service to the York Rite of Freemasonry. Constituent colleges must declare fealty to the Grand Lodge of their respective jurisdictions. The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, is good standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery or Preceptory (Canada.)

A Great Future Starts Here

(Left to right) George J. Ristow, Clifford A. Taylor, W. Edward Dewey,
Francis M. Dodge, James Fairbairn Smith, Richard W. Lewis
Robert S. Spencer

Lewis and his companions were beginning to evolve a different concept, a different approach to the problem of coordination of York Rite activities. To overcome the problem of separation and self-interest, they conceived of a new York Rite Body which would require its members to belong to Chapter, Coun­cil and Commandery, and would have as its primary purpose the giving of whatever aid was most appropriate to the other York Bodies in its area. It would provide a place for York Rite Masons to meet and work together, not as Chapter, Council, or Commander members, but as York Rite Masons.                                                                                                          Excerpt from York Rite Sovereign College History Book

A Message from our Governor General

Welcome to the York Rite Sovereign College website!

The officers of Sovereign College are here to assist you. 

Your Grand Governor is the on the ground contact between our Colleges and Sovereign College.  The are a great resource to assist the Colleges and members.

I encourage you to use the resources of this website to understand more about the York Rite Sovereign College, its history, purposes, structure, awards, and honors.

Companion Knights, we have answered the call and are ready to assist the Fraternity of Freemasonry.  We are here to assist and promote harmony and Brotherly Love among our ranks.  To lead by example, offer education, cooperation, promote patriotism and support Charity among all Freemasons and their organizations.

The York Rite Sovereign College Charitable Trust makes donations on behalf of Companion Knights and Colleges to National Masonic Charities.  I encourage you to consider a tax-deductible gift to this Fund.  For a donation of $250 you will receive the Athelstan Jewel.

Together as Companion Knights and Freemasons we hold the future of our fraternity in our hands, let us make sure that we rise to meet the task.

It is a distinct honor to serve as you Governor General for the 2024-2026 Biennial.  I am here to assist and serve.  I look forward to meeting and greeting many of you during this Biennial.

May our Father in Heaven have you in his holy keeping through our Blessed Redeemer.

M.Pre.Em.Dist.Bro Bryce B. Hildreth, KCPC, KGCY
Governor General 2024-2026



On Sunday November 12, 2023, Alicia Atkinson contacted me to let us know that her husband James bout with cancer took an unexpected turn for the worse on Friday. James was hospitalized and on Saturday was sent to a hospice care facility where he will be made as confrontable as possible. Family members are taking turns staying with James day and night.

Alicia requested that I let everyone know that she was doing fine and to tell everyone hello.

As updates become available, the Sovereign College office will update you. Please keep James, Alicia and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

While we were in the process of sending out the above, we received information which necessitated an update. Alicia informed us this morning that James passed to his eternal reward last night. A public funeral or memorial service will not be held at James’ request. The family plans an intimate celebration of life at a date to be determined.

Once more, please keep Alicia and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers during their time of sorrow.


A comprehensive directory of colleges by number, state/province.

York Rite Crusader

Stay up-to-date on our latest news, download the latest crusader here.


The General Assembly for 2025 will be in Raleigh, North Carolina!